The Association of German Machinery and Plant Building (short: VDMA published) is still very good news. The number of jobs at the German engineering to rise steadily. Orders rose in June compared to the month of the previous year by 62%.
The turnaround in one year
Thus, the increase was in the first Half of one third. The June 2009 but was one of the weakest months in general. The producers aim for this year production growth of 3%, after having registered a decline from the previous year quarter.
The surge in demand from the domestic
Furthermore, the domestic business is growing strongly. This resulted in June, an increase of 67%. Much earlier we reported already in demand from foreign countries a boost.
Domestic business is benefiting from the indirect exports
The domestic business can benefit most from the indirect exports. This provided the German machinery and plant building industry to other local producers, which produce these plants once more plants for export. This is particularly the drive as well as the bearings for the wind turbines of the case.
The strong growth in demand from abroad
The growth drivers of demand from abroad comes mainly from Asia (eg India, China). Even Russia, the U.S. and Japan to come out of the recession. The most important single market by the German producer is China, followed by the United States. The manufacturers of Germany provide about three quarters of their assets abroad.
The load factor in July
According to VDMA, the utilization was 83% in the last month. The industry recorded last year with 69% still a low point. An optimal utilization would be between 85% and 86%. This could still have a shortage in production.
No uniform trend reported
In the industry can see however, no uniform trend. Areas that have come early in the crisis, such as textile machines, can now achieve huge gains. Contrast, areas that have come late in the crisis, such as agricultural machinery, continues to lag behind.